Shaka Johnson

Violent Crimes

Violent crimes cover different areas of law such as murder and homicide, but assault and battery also fall under the "Violent Crimes" umbrella. Often assault and battery are two different but related crimes that often occur at the same time and, as a result, are typically prosecuted together. Assault involves the act of threatening to injure someone, whereas battery refers to the actual act of violence -- both assault and battery are extremely serious offenses and in a court of law carry harsh penalties including jail time and related punishments.

The Law Offices of Shaka Johnson, Esquire understands the severity of an assault and battery charge and work vigorously to defend the rights of our clients. If you or a loved one has been accused of assault and battery, please contact us today for a complimentary consultation with Shaka M. Johnson directly who can evaluate the charges and help you determine the best course of action.

Assault and Battery Conviction

Individuals who are convicted of assault and battery frequently face the following consequences:

  • Imprisonment
  • Substantial Monetary Fines
  • Probation
  • Difficulty Finding or Keeping a Job
  • Mandatory Counseling and/or Anger Management Classes

Assault and Battery Defense

The criminal defense lawyers at Shaka Johnson, Esquire have a wealth of experience with assault and battery defense – and Shaka M. Johnson is one of the few attorneys to actually have 10 years of actual law enforcement experience (7 years on the police force). He is also a Certified Crime Scene Investigator (Police Trained). We will tailor our defense strategy to the particular circumstances of your case.

Possible defenses may include:

The alleged victim consented to the harm (as in a boxing match).

For example, some jurisdictions allow teachers to use limited physical force to discipline students.

Prevention of a crime
Under certain circumstances, the use of violence or force is permitted to prevent a crime.

Self-Defense, Defense of Property, or Defense of Others
Force may legally be used to prevent physical harm to oneself, someone else, or to prevent the harm or theft of an individuals property.

Mutual, Voluntary Combat
In some jurisdictions, a person cannot be charged with assault and battery if the parties involved mutually agreed to fight and neither used excessive or unreasonable physical force.

If you are facing assault and battery accusations, do not stand by and not take action. Please contact us today for a free case evaluation.